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Stem fly

Damage symptoms

 Monitor the plants for stem fly adult activities, puncture marks and petiole mining soon after germination As soon as a few adults of stem fly(small housefly like insects) are noticed hovering over the crop, spray endosulfan 35 EC @ 2ml/l or acephate 75 WP @ 0.75 g/l or Neem seed powder extract (4% ) or neem soap (1%) or neem formulation with 10000 ppm azadirachtin (2 ml/l). However, please note that the botanicals get washed away by rain and they will be ineffective if it rains within 1-2 days of spray.
 Second spraying is given when on an average 5 leaves/10 leaves have petiole mining symptoms or at 15 days after sowing. This will also take care of leaf miner. For leaf miner, donot repeat sprays again and again, as it will increase pest population. 




Thrips prefer to feed mostly on foliage, sometimes on fruit. Slightly infested leaves exhibits silvery feeding  on the lower leaf surfaces, especilally along mid rib and veins. leaf turns  yellow or brown and dry on lowere leaf surfaces. 

Management : For thrips spray dimethoate ( 2ml/l) or lamda cyhalothrin (1 ml/l) 


Red spider mites

Nymphs and adults sucking cell sap - Black sooty mold develops. 

Management : Mites :  Spray acaricide like dicofol (1.5 ml/l) or wetable sulphur (2.5 gm/l) mixed with neem soap (0.75%) or pongamia soap (0.75%). Spray underside of the leaves thoroughly


Red spider mites

The nymph and adults are red in color. Its infestation is severe in dry and warm atmosphere.
The nymph and adult suck the cell saps from under surface of the leaf and ultimately cause defoliation.
The leaf dried and dropped away incase of severe infestation. Colonies of red mites are found feeding on ventral surface of leaves under protective cover of fine silken webs, resulting in yellow spots on dorsal surface of leaves 


Ants can be very destructive to okra pods. Ants feed on the moisture and sugar content of okra. These so cause discoloration or distortion of plant

Management of nematodes in papaya

Okra is highly susceptible to root-knot nematodes : Meloidogyne incognata 
Root-knot nematodes such as Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica are devastating pests of okra causing a yield loss of 28 – 43%. These nematodes feed on root-system and damage them extensively. They make the plant weak and also vulnerable for the infection by secondary pathogens (soil borne pathogenic fungi and bacteria). Nematode damages also results into the breakdown of the resistance against pathogenic fungi and bacteria. 

Management of nematodes in okra

Application in new planting 

Pre-coat seeds with biopesticide before sowing.
• Add biopesticide Pseudomonas fluorescens at 20 ml/kg or 20 g/kg seed.  

• Enrichment of FYM with bio-pesticides: Mix two kg each of Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum / T. viride in one ton of FYM and leave it in shade for 15 days at 25 – 30% moisture for multiplication of beneficial microbes.
• Soil has to be incorporated with 20 – 30 tons of FYM enriched with bio-pesticides before sowing.

Enrich neem cake with bio-pesticides: Mix two kg of each of Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum / T. viride in one ton of neem cake and leave it in shade for 15 days at 25 – 30% moisture for multiplication of beneficial microbes.

• Apply neem cake enriched with biopesticides in standing crop at 50 g/ m2 once in a month.

• Mix 20 kg of enriched neem cake mixture in 200 lit water, leave it for two days and this can be used for drenching beds @ 2 lit/ m2 or filter it thoroughly and use it for spraying the foliage or sending along the drip, once in a month.

• Spray Arka Plant Growth Promoter and Yield Enhancer (Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma harzianum) at 5 ml or 5g/lit, once in a month.
Or send along the drip, Arka Plant Growth Promoter and Yield Enhancer (Pseudomonas fluorescens + Trichoderma harzianum) at 5 ml or 5g/lit, once in a month. 
