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French bean - Rust disease

Symptoms: Rust spots appear most numerously on leaves, particularly on the surface. Initial symptoms are minuscule, slightly raised yellow spots, which later become prominant circles, brown colour and surrounded by a yellow. The disease is spread by wind. 

Management : Rust resistant varieties like Arka Anoop, 
Spray Triademefan (1.0g/l) or Propiconazole (0.5 ml/l) or Bitertinol (1.0 g/l)


Root rot complex

Symptoms: Seedlings infected with  root rot appear dwarfed.  Fungus infect bean roots when the soil is too wet, or too hot for good bean growth. The fungus survives in soil for long period

Management : Seed treatment with Carbendazim (2.0 g/kg)


French Bean - Powdery Mildew

Symptoms: TA white powdery mould appears on the upper leaf surfaces. Severely diseased leaves turn yellow and die. Leaf petioles, stems and pods can also be affected.

Spray Triademefan (1.0g/l) or Propiconazole (0.5 ml/l) or Bitertinol (1.0 g/l).
Plough under bean debris after harvest.
Avoid continuous bean cropping.

Angular leaf spot : Spray Carbendazim (1.0 g/l) or Tricyclozole (0.6g/l)
Common blight of bean : Bordeaux mixture or Copper Hydroxide or Copper oxychloride (0.3 g/l)
Bean golden mosaic : Vector Management
Spray Imidacloprid 200S L (0.3ml/l) or Thiomethoxom 25 WP (0.3g/l) in nursery after 15 days of sowing and after 15 days of planting in main field
Bean common Mosaic : Spray Imidacloprid 200S L (0.3 ml/l) or Thiomethoxom 25 WP (0.3 g/l) in nursery after 15 days of sowing and after 15 days of planting in main field