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Crop Production

French beans which is also called as Snap beans, Bush beans is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetables in India. The green immature pods are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Immature pods are marketed fresh, frozen or canned, whole, cut or french-cut.
Soil and climate: Beans can be grown on many kinds of soils varying from sand to heavy clay but well-drained sandy loams or red loams or silt loams are ideal. Soil pH of 6.0 to 7.0 with a minimum of 1% organic carbon are well suited for its cultivation. Season: Beans grow well at temperatures of 26–28°C. Pod setting is poor where the temperatures exceed 36°C or fall below 10°C

Cultural Practices

  1. Land preparation: The soil in the field is brought to fine tilth and the entire quantity of FYM mixed with Trichoderma and biofertilizers enriched FYM (30t/ha) is incorporated into the soil before planting. Ridges and furrows are opened at 60 cm spacing and neem cake is applied while forming ridges @ 250 kg / ha.
  2. Enrichment of FYM with Trichoderma and Bio-fertilizers : Well decomposed FYM is thoroughly mixed with Trichoderma harzianum , Azatobacter or Azospirillum and Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria (PSB) , all (@ 1 kg/tonne of FYM), moistened with sprinkling water and covered with plastic sheet or dried coconut fraunds and kept to incubate for 15 days. This enriched FYM should be mixed with 10 t of FYM before applying to the field. 
  3. Seed Trteatment: Beans is a shy nodulator and in order to encourage good nodulation and better nitrogen fixation, treating seeds with Rhizobium culture is very essential. A day before sowing treat the seeds with rhizobium mixed in jaggery solution and allow to dry in the shade for about 5-6 hours.
  4. Land preparation and manuring : The soil in the field is brought to fine tilth and the entire quantity of FYM mixed with Trichoderma and biofertilizers enriched FYM (30t/ha) is incorporated into the soil before planting. Ridges and furrows are opened at 60 cm spacing and neem cake is applied while forming ridges @ 250 kg / ha. 
  5. Sowing :Bean seeds are usually planted 2-3 cm deep, deep enough to give good coverage and sufficient moisture to promote fast germination and growth. A spacing of 60 cm x 20 cm is recommended for better aeration and to minimize rapid spread of foliar diseases. 
  6. Weeding and Earthing upThe field should be kept weed free up to 40 days after sowing. Generally hand weeding is followed to control the weeds, which also helps in loosening the soil. First weeding can be done at 15 days after sowing and second weeding 30 days after sowing with earthing up operation. 
  7. Irrigation managementInsufficient water at any growth stage will reduce yield and pod quality. It is most sensitive to water deficit during flowering and fruit development. For the good crop growth well-timed furrow irrigation is effective. Wilting in the late morning indicates that the crop should be irrigated. As a general rule during the dry season, irrigate at an interval of 3-4 days for the first month after sowing, and then every 5-7 days interval until crop completion. The root zone of young transplants is shallow so irrigation should be frequent and just enough to recharge the root zone. The crop is sensitive to water logging and fields, if flooded should be drained immediately. 
  8. Harvesting and yield : Crop will be normally ready for first picking by 40 t0 45 days after sowing depending on the variety and season of cultivation. Harvest during cool periods, such as late afternoon or early morning. Immediately after harvest shift to shade the harvested produce. Further there will be 2 to 3 pickings to be done at 4-5 days interval. About 12 to 15 t/ha of marketable yields can be obtained with good organic production technology.

Precision Farming

French bean Cultivation

Method Description
VarietyArka Anoop, Arka Suvidha,Arka Komal and popular commercial varieties
Soil typeWell drained fertile soils with a pH range of 6.0 to 70.
Season & Seed requirementJuly-Aug, Oct- Nov, seed requirement 15-20 kg depending on seed size. For pole bean 4kg/acre.
Land preparationRaised bed method: 10-15cm height,60 cm width, convenient length,45cm inter-bed spacing. For Pole bean: 105cm width, 45cm inter-bed spacing. 
FYM applicationApply 10 tonnes of enriched FYM.
Neem cake applicationApply neem cake @ 250kg/acre to the beds treated with bio-agents. Note: This may affect germination
Fertilizer Dose20:30:20 kg. For pole bean:30-40-30 kg N:P:K.
Basal fertilizer applicationApply 5-8-5 kg N:P:K (25 kg Ammonium sulphate + 50 kg Mono ammonium phosphate + 10 kg Muriate of potash). Mix well and level the beds properly.
Laying of drip linePlace one in-line drip lateral at the center of the bed for which 3800 meter length of lateral pipe is required. For pole bean 2660m is sufficient.
Polyethylene mulching3800 meter length of mulch film of 1.0m width and 30micron thickness is required (105kg). For pole bean 2660m is sufficient (90kg).
Spacing and plant population Two rows per bed. Make holes of 5cm diameter at a distance of 40cm between rows and 15 cm within the crop row. The plant density is 50800 one acre. Dibble seeds exactly at the centre of the hole to avoid the emerging seedlings touching the mulch film. Pole bean: 75cm between rows and 30cm between seeds in a row. The plant density is 18000/acre.
IrrigationRun the drip irrigation daily for a duration of 20 to 40 minutes depending on the crop stage, season and emitter discharge.
FertigationSchedule fertigation once in 3 days starting from 15 days and ending at 66 days after sowing for a 2½ month duration crop, thus requiring 18 fertigations.
Pole bean: continue up to 87 days after sowing for a 3½ month crop, thus requiring 25 fertigations.
Water soluble Fertilizers per fertigation (Once in 3 days)0-14 days: No fertigation.
15-30 days: 2.0kg 19-19-19 /fertigation (6 fertigations)
33-45 days: 3.0 kg 19-19-19 +1.0 kg KNO3 + 2.0 kg Mono Ammonium Phospate/fertigations (5 fertigations)
48-66 days: 4.0 kg 19-19-19 + 1.0 kg KNO3 + 1.5 kg Mono Ammonium Phosphate/fertigation (7 fertigations)
(55 kg 19-all+12 kg KNO3 + 20 kg MAP for bush bean).
Pole bean: continue fertigation upto 87 days after sowing (14 fertigations) (83 kg 19-all+19 kg KNO3 + 31 kg MAP).
Foliar nutritionGive foliar sprays @5g/litre using foliar spray grade fertilizers containing Ca,Mg, Fe, Mn, B, Cu, Zn three times at 45, 60 and 75 days days after sowing. 
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